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Indian nationals are arrested as the FBI shuts down a $15 million unlicensed cryptocurrency-to-fiat operation in New York - TechStory

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    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has made a significant breakthrough in combating unlicensed cryptocurrency-to-fiat operations. In a recent operation, the FBI arrested five Indian nationals and one individual of undisclosed nationality who were allegedly involved in a business that converted cryptocurrency into cash for clients seeking anonymity. The suspects have been charged with operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business, marking a major step in curbing illicit financial activities in the cryptocurrency space.

    The FBI’s Crackdown

    The FBI’s operation targeted a group of individuals operating an unlicensed business that specialized in converting cryptocurrency into cash. This illicit operation allowed clients to exchange digital assets for physical currency while maintaining their anonymity. The arrest of five Indian nationals—Raju Patel, Brijeshkumar Patel, Hirenkumar Patel, Naineshkumar Patel, Nileshkumar Patel—and an individual named Shaileshkumar Goyani underscores the seriousness with which authorities are approaching unlicensed cryptocurrency activities.

    Allegations and Legal Response

    The accused individuals are facing charges related to operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business. However, Daniel A. Hochheiser, the lawyer representing Shaileshkumar Goyani, emphasized that the allegations against his client remain unproven.

    “If and when a grand jury issues an indictment, Goyani will enter a not guilty plea.”

    Covert Operations and the Role of Darknet Marketplaces

    Court documents reveal that the suspects facilitated the delivery of cash on behalf of an unnamed co-conspirator. This co-conspirator offered services on darknet marketplaces and peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchanges, exchanging Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for physical cash. The modus operandi involved using the U.S. Postal Service express mail or priority mail for shipping cash.

    The Role of the FBI Confidential Source

    The FBI’s investigation into this illegal operation began when they arrested an individual involved in mailing packages of cash on behalf of the co-conspirator from a post office in Westchester County, New York. Subsequently, this individual became a confidential source (CS-1) for the FBI. Over time, the confidential source participated in approximately 80 controlled pick-ups of cash, totaling a staggering $15,067,000.

    Violations of State and Federal Laws

    FBI Special Agent Lawrence Lonergan has highlighted the violations of state and federal laws committed by the unlicensed money-transmitting business. Specifically, the failure to register with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) hinders the Treasury’s ability to oversee the proper filing of currency transaction reports (CTRs) and suspicious activity reports (SARs). This lack of registration enables unregistered money transmitting businesses to operate in the shadows, facilitating the flow of funds without the oversight that regulatory bodies aim to impose on the U.S. financial system.

    Addressing Regulatory Compliance

    The case brings to the forefront the importance of regulatory compliance within the cryptocurrency space. Unlicensed and illicit activities not only pose legal risks for those involved but also raise broader concerns about the potential for cryptocurrencies to be used for money laundering and illegal financial transactions. Authorities are increasingly vigilant in their efforts to ensure that cryptocurrency businesses adhere to the same standards and regulations as traditional financial institutions.

    The Challenges of Regulatory Oversight

    Ensuring regulatory compliance within the cryptocurrency industry is a multifaceted challenge. The decentralized and pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrencies can make it difficult for authorities to identify and track illicit activities. However, cases like this one demonstrate that regulators and law enforcement agencies are actively pursuing those who violate financial laws and regulations within the cryptocurrency space.


    The FBI’s takedown of a $15 million unlicensed cryptocurrency-to-fiat operation in New York represents a significant step in addressing illicit activities within the crypto world. The arrests of six individuals and the charges brought against them underscore the seriousness with which authorities view unlicensed money-transmitting businesses. While the cryptocurrency space continues to evolve, regulatory oversight remains essential in ensuring that digital assets are not used for illegal or unethical purposes. This case serves as a reminder that the cryptocurrency industry must adhere to established regulations, just like any other financial sector, to maintain trust and integrity in the space.


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    Author: Christopher Mckinney

    Last Updated: 1698783362

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    Name: Christopher Mckinney

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    Introduction: My name is Christopher Mckinney, I am a persistent, Gifted, enterprising, dear, esteemed, important, variegated person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.