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Bloomberg: Do you look like a robot?

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    While US drivers despair over gasoline toppingBloomberg Terminal $5 a gallon, spare a thought for motorists in oil-rich Norway, where prices sit at $10.

    Gas stations in Oslo were selling the unleaded fuel for about 27 kroner a liter, or about $10.30 a gallon, on Friday. That makes it the most expensive European country to fill up and second only to Hong Kong globally. Almost half of the pump cost in the Nordic nation is made up of road, carbon and sales taxes, according to the Norwegian Automobile Federation.


    Article information

    Author: Dennis Garcia

    Last Updated: 1704089403

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    Author information

    Name: Dennis Garcia

    Birthday: 1920-10-21

    Address: 641 Evans Radial, South Sharon, RI 15107

    Phone: +3575234906401141

    Job: Chef

    Hobby: Rock Climbing, Singing, Web Development, Sculpting, Scuba Diving, Stargazing, Poker

    Introduction: My name is Dennis Garcia, I am a striking, accessible, expert, lively, rich, unyielding, exquisite person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.