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Wall Street memes price prediction: After a successful IEO and the launch of a cryptocurrency casino, a new meme coin is backed to pump

The world of meme coins has a new player making waves and turning heads – Wall Street Memes (WSM).


This new token has traders buzzing after a successful initial exchange offering (IEO) that saw early backers make significant profits.

With hype continuing to build, Wall Street Memes looks poised for an end-of-year price pump – but can the momentum be sustained?

Wall Street Memes brings satire & rewards to the Meme Coin space

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Joe Parys Crypto

Emerging from the viral “WallStreetBets” movement, Wall Street Memes has rapidly established itself as a major player in the meme coin market.

With over 1.1 million engaged community members, WSM blends elements of internet culture and decentralized finance (DeFi) into a unique brand.

The project leans heavily into satirical antics, posting memes and making fun of the large institutions on Wall Street.


This is reflected in Wall Street Memes’ social media channels, with the project’s X (formerly Twitter) account regularly posting humorous content about the financial markets.

Beyond effective branding, WSM allows investors to stake their holdings and earn rewards based on the size of the staking pool.

Estimated rewards are currently set at 41% APY, with over 482 million WSM pledged.


This provides crypto enthusiasts a passive income stream while supporting the project's network.

With its branding, staking rewards, and engaged community, WSM brings a unique personality to the crypto market – helping it become the fifth most-traded meme coin in the world.

New Wall Street Memes Casino & updated roadmap could ignite investor interest

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In an exciting development, Wall Street Memes’ creators have unveiled their latest product – the Wall Street Memes Casino.

This high-stakes move into the emerging world of decentralized gambling, or GambleFi, could be a game-changer for WSM.

Offering over 5,000 games, including WSM-exclusive titles, the new casino also features live sports betting with an array of markets to choose from.


The platform accepts major cryptocurrencies like BTC and ETH but also seamlessly integrates the native WSM token.

Token holders even get 200 free spins when making their first deposit in WSM.

Notably, the casino integrates directly with Telegram chats, enabling users to engage in gaming without leaving the app.

This creates a smooth and accessible experience, allowing WSM's team to access Telegram's base of over 700 million monthly active users (MAUs).


With crypto casinos proving lucrative for projects like Rollbit, the Wall Street Memes Casino could reignite renewed interest and investment in WSM.

Looking ahead, Wall Street Memes has big plans mapped out in the newly updated roadmap through 2024.

Exclusive high-roller communities, marketing campaigns, partnerships, and new games are all on the horizon.

The project’s website has also been revamped, providing visitors with a slick, streamlined overview of the meme coin’s offerings, including the casino, burn mechanism, and more.

WSM price poised for rally as Casino unlocks new utility

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Jacob Crypto Bury

With the launch of the hotly-anticipated Wall Street Memes Casino, WSM looks primed for a price resurgence after dropping from its high of $0.0797 on September 30.

Currently trading around $0.020, savvy investors see this as an opportunity to buy the dip before the next bullish leg.

As casino revenue streams into Wall Street Memes’ ecosystem, upside pressure could quickly build.


And with thousands of games available right from launch, user adoption could be swift – boosting demand for WSM further.

Speculation is already mounting around how much market cap WSM can regain in the weeks ahead, with a return to previous highs requiring a 277% gain from current levels.

However, with the macro environment improving and WSM unlocking new utility, such a gain is within the realm of possibilities before the end of 2023 – especially given the speculative nature of meme coins.

With newfound use cases and strong community momentum, the environment seems ideal for Wall Street Memes to rise once again, setting the token up for an exciting few weeks ahead.

Buy Wall Street Memes Token

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Introduction: My name is Joseph Jensen, I am a risk-taking, proficient, strong-willed, resolved, sincere, daring, ingenious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.