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A number of new restaurants are opening in Orlando, including Chuan Fu, which will open in Winter Park on Friday, Shin Jung, and others

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click to enlarge Long-loved Korean restaurant Shin Jung will open a second location on West Colonial Drive. - Photo via Facebook/Shin Jung

Photo via Facebook/Shin Jung

Long-loved Korean restaurant Shin Jung will open a second location on West Colonial Drive.

Chuan Fu, the Sichuan restaurant by the owners of Chuan Lu Garden and U and Me Revolving Hot Pot, is slated to soft-open in the old Orlando Meats space in Winter Park's Ravaudage complex Friday, Oct. 27. A grand opening is planned for November, but be sure to follow @chuanfuwinterpark on Instagram for updates.

Shin Jung, the Korean restaurant that's served Mills 50 for 30 years, will open a second location at 7379 W. Colonial Drive in the space that was most recently Seoulicious and Miller's Ale House before that. An opening date hasn't been announced, but follow @shinjungkorean for the latest updates.

Lamp & Shade Craft Kitchen and Cocktails, offering an "Asian-influenced, tapas-style menu" as well as a beverage program focusing on "riffs of tiki classics," will open in early December at 1336 N. Mills Ave. The restaurant by Thriving Hospitality (Thrive Cocktail Lounge & Eatery, Bounce House Social Eats) will move into the space that previously housed Lamp & Shade Fair, which opened in 1963.

Thriving Hospitality will also have a presence in the soon-to-open Maitland Social, the DAP-designed retail development near the intersection of Horatio and Orlando avenues. The Packwoods, a craft cocktail bar, will join Pizza Bruno, Wave Asian Bistro & Sushi and Foxtail Coffee as the other food and bev vendors.

Phở Gà Hiền Vương, the new concept from Z Asian owners Hien Pham and Huong Nguyen, has finally opened at 5282 W. Colonial Drive. The eatery specializes in farm-fresh chicken noodle soup offered with rice noodles, clear glass noodles or egg noodles.

Zorba's Kitchen, with two locations in Nice, France, has opened in the old Meatball Stoppe space at 7325 Lake Underhill Road.

Upscale Siamese restaurant The Nine Heathrow Thai Grill & Kitchen has opened at 1541 International Parkway in Lake Mary.

German day pub Schweini's Delicatessen is now serving a host of breakfast and lunch sandwiches, cakes and, of course, beer from their space at 108 S. Main St. in Winter Garden.

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Author: Christina Sanders

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Name: Christina Sanders

Birthday: 1969-05-25

Address: 9196 Jones Route Suite 899, Port Laura, IA 41781

Phone: +4531268623582080

Job: Electrician

Hobby: Photography, Coffee Roasting, Coin Collecting, Beer Brewing, Meditation, Board Games, Bird Watching

Introduction: My name is Christina Sanders, I am a resolved, tenacious, treasured, important, risk-taking, frank, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.