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To commemorate its 100th anniversary, Disney releases a short film called "Once Upon a Studio"

Oct 16, 2023 08:44 PM IST

Walt Disney is celebrating 100 years today. The company aired a short to celebrate the milestone. Watch it below.

VIDEO: Disney's Once Upon a Studio | Full Short Film
Walt Disney Animation Studios

Walt Disney is celebrating 100 years of its existence today with a short titled ‘Once Upon A Studio,’ which premiered on ABC during “The Wonderful World of Disney: Disney's 100th Anniversary Celebration!”.

On October 16, 1923 Walter and his brother Roy, signed an agreement to produce an animated film series called the “Alice Comedies” and decided to call their company Disney Brothers Studio.
On October 16, 1923 Walter and his brother Roy, signed an agreement to produce an animated film series called the “Alice Comedies” and decided to call their company Disney Brothers Studio.

The premiere shows one of the most famous Disney characters, Mickey Mouse looking at a photograph of the Empire creator, Walter Elias Disney and thanking him for creating the imaginative giant.

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Additionally, the dream-world creator released a trailer of the short film with the same name on their YouTube channel, Walt Disney Animation Studios.

The trailer has been viewed by 1.1 people with 37K liking it as well.

You can watch it here:

An ensemble of Disney's fan-favourite characters come together in a joyful, entertaining and nostalgic reunion. It featured 543 Disney characters from more than 85 feature-length and short films, welcoming princes and princesses, heroes and villains, sidekicks and sorcerers.

The film has been hand-drawn and CG-animated to celebrate 100 years of storytelling and entertain the people through a dreamy and idyllic world.

‘Once Upon A Studio’ first featured at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival and is all set to play in front of “Wish” when it releases in the theatres on November 22, 2023.

100 years of Disney: A glance at history

VIDEO: Once Upon a Studio | Official Trailer | Disney+
Walt Disney Animation Studios

It was on December 5, 1901, when Walter Elias Disney was born in Chicago. With an early interest in art, he took classes as a boy and took the job of a commercial illustrator at the age of 18.

On October 16, 1923 Walter and his brother Roy, signed an agreement to produce an animated film series called the “Alice Comedies” and decided to call their company Disney Brothers Studio. Later in 1926, it was changed to Walt Disney Studio.

Between 1928 and 1966, when Walt Disney died at the age of 65, Disney created masterpieces in the form of Mickey Mouse in “Steamboat Willie,” “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Cinderella,” and “Mary Poppins.”

From 1971 the empire was extended to Orlando, Tokyo, Paris, and California which has only extended through the years.

Recently, the animation giant has come up with new characters such as Elsa and Anna from “Frozen,” Miguel from “Coco,” Mirabel Madrigal from “Encanto” and hopefully many more to come.

100 years of Disney: Fans celebrate the milestone together

VIDEO: Once Upon A Studio | Booth to Screen | Disney+
Walt Disney Animation Studios


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